Aren't you tired of trying to find accredited suppliers that can quote you on everything you need in order to service / repair / maintain / buy / sell your vehicles? Finally, a place where you can do all of this, literally at the click of a button!
Drive has partnered up with South Africa's most reliable suppliers to meet all of your vehicle needs at the click of a button. Drive will send you up to 5 quotes from their accredited panel of suppliers based on your selection.
Best price and best service every time!
To get multiple quotes (at no charge) from the panel of Drive approved suppliers at the click of a button, Download the Drive App now!
In addition to the above free offering, you can also sign up for the Drive vehicle tracking solution which will keep you and your vehicle safe and secure at all times. Emergency roadside assistance and an emergency panic button are also available at a nominal monthly fee.
*Premium features - Roadside R15 p/m. Advanced vehicle tracking R199 p/m
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